Become a member
Regular members
SIdE admits as regular members persons who have an interest in econometrics. Regular members of SIdE are admitted upon application to the Steering Committee. Together with the application to SIdE, prospective regular members give their consent to the distribution of their CV and list of publications, in the spirit of disclosure of research in econometrics stated in the goals of SIdE. The interest in econometrics is identified by the curriculum of studies and/or the scientific or professional career. Currently the annual fee is EUR 80.
SIdE membership is valid for one year, from 1 January to 31 December, regardless of the payment date.
Non-profit, for-profit and public organizations may become SIdE supporters through a liberal contribution to help the activities of the association. Together with the application to SIdE, prospective supporters underwrite the aims of SIdE, this does not exclude the possibility to become SIdE members as well.
Application for regular membership
Provide personal details (name, affiliation), and upload your CV (pdf file, max 2 Mb). Punctuation is not allowed in Affiliation fields.
Once your application is validated, you will receive a link to a payment gateway for the collection of membership dues.
Once the payment is confirmed by our Staff, you will be able to partecipate to the Association initiatives and have access to restricted contents.
Create new account
Application for supporters
Provide your organization details.
Once your application is validated, you will receive a link to a payment gateway for the collection of liberal contribution.