Regular Members
SIdE admits as regular members persons who have an interest in econometrics.
Regular members of SIdE are admitted upon application to the Steering Committee.
Together with the application to SIdE, prospective members give their consent to the distribution of their CV and list of publications, in the spirit of disclosure of research in econometrics exposed in the goals of SIdE. The interest in econometrics is identified by the curriculum of studies and/or the scientific or professional career. The Steering Committee resolution approving the application of new members is approved by an absolute majority rule.
Membership is lost upon withdrawal, for missing payment of the annual dues or for serious misbehavior.
The decision of exclusion for serious misbehavior is adopted by a majority of regular members following a proposal by the Steering Committee.
Become a regular Member Regular members directory
Non-profit, for-profit and public organizations may become SIdE supporters.
Together with the application to SIdE, prospective supporters underwrite the aims of SIdE, this does not exclude the possibility to become SIdE members as well.
Steering committee
The life of the association is organized with the help of the Steering Committee; the President and alternatively, a Past President or President Elect; the Assembly of regular members.
The Steering Committee includes six regular members plus a President and alternatively, a Past President or President Elect; regular members of the Steering are in charge for three years the President for two, Past President and President Elect for only one year. All SIdE members can be elected to the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee also oversees and authorize all expenses of the association..
The Steering Committee shall meet whenever the President or any other member of the Steering Committee deem necessary. Its decision shall be adopted by a majority rule.