Third Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics

The Third Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE 2007) will take place January 30-31 , 2009, in Ancona, Italy.

Economists, statisticians and econometricians are invited to submit theoretical and applied papers in all areas of econometrics and empirical economics for presentation at the Congress.

The final Conference Program is now available (click here).

Invited speakers:

Fabio Canova (Pompeu Fabra)

Francesca Molinari (Cornell)


Program Committee:

Alessandro Sembenelli (Università di Torino), chair
Gianni Amisano (Università di Brescia and ECB)
Fabio Bagliano (Università di Torino)
Giuseppe Cavaliere (Università di Bologna)
Valentina Corradi (University of Warwick)
Carlo Ambrogio Favero (Università Bocconi, Milano)
Gabriele Fiorentini (Università di Firenze)
Tullio Jappelli (Università Federico II, Napoli)
Massimiliano Marcellino (Università Bocconi, Milano)
Enrico Moretti (University of California, Berkeley)
Paolo Paruolo (Università dell'Insubria)
Franco Peracchi (Università Tor Vergata, Roma)
Enrico Rettore (Università di Padova)
Fabio Schiantarelli (Boston College)

Organising Committee:

Riccardo Lucchetti

Carlo Giannini Prize

The best conference paper written by a young scientist in Econometrics and Empirical Economics is awarded the Carlo Giannini Prize.

The scientific committee has short listed the following papers, among those eligible for the prize:

  1. Federico Martellosio
    Testing for Spatial Autocorrelation: the Regressors that Make the Power Disappear
  2. Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Alessandro Barbarino
    The Incapacitation Effect of Incarceration: Evidence from Several Italian Collective Pardons
  3. Anna Simoni
    Regularized Posteriors for Asset Pricing Functionals in Rational Expectation Models
  4. Riccardo Colacito and Mariano Croce
    Risks for the Long Run and the Real Exchange Rate
  5. Alessandro Bucciol
    Estimating Preference Parameters from Liquid and Quasi-Liquid Wealth Holdings

The 2009 winner of the Carlo Giannini Prize is:

Giovanni Mastrobuoni and Alessandro Barbarino
The Incapacitation Effect of Incarceration: Evidence from Several Italian Collective Pardons

The motivation for the prize is: “this paper has all the desirable qualities of an outstanding piece of empirical work. It addresses a well-defined and policy relevant issue, presents a sketchy but insightful theoretical model, and carries out methodologically sound econometric work on a carefully collected data set. Also the results are interesting and the policy implications well spelled out. In particular, the Program Committee praises the authors for their attention to the relevance of the identification problem in econometrics and their innovative solution”. The winning paper will be awarded 2500 Euros generously given by the journal Giornale degli Economisti.

Special Issue of Giornale degli Economisti

Giornale degli Economisti publishes high-quality papers on the Italian and European economies and solicits submissions by ICEEE authors of empirical papers on these topics. The chair of the scientific committee, Alessandro Sembenelli, has agreed to act as guest editor of a special issue of Giornale degli Economisti, collecting ICEEE empirical economics papers that deal with the Italian/European economies. Queries and expressions of interest should be sent to the chairThe deadline for formal paper submissions is 28th February, 2009.


Università Politecnica delle Marche, Facoltà di Economia "Giorgio Fuà", Ancona, (Italy) Piazzale Martelli, 8, Ancona