Eighth Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics
SIdE is pleased to announce the eighth edition of the Italian Congress of Econometrics and Empirical Economics (ICEEE) which will take place January 24-26, 2019, at the Department of Economic Sciences, University of Salento, Lecce.
Economists, statisticians and econometricians are invited to submit theoretical and applied papers in all areas of econometrics and empirical economics for presentation at the Congress.
Invited speakers:
- Prof. Paola Giuliano (UCLA)
- Prof. Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University)
- Prof. Anders Rahbek (University of Copenhagen), ET lecture 2019
The FINAL Conference Program is now available: check the "Public attachments" section on the left column of this page.
Program Committee:
Enrico Rettore (University of Trento – Chair), Erich Battistin (University of Maryland), Monica Billio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Fabio Busetti (Bank of Italy), Giuseppe Cavaliere (University of Bologna), Valentina Corradi (University of Surrey), Valentino Dardanoni (University of Palermo), Maria De Paola (University of Calabria), Luca Fanelli (University of Bologna), Gabriele Fiorentini (University of Florence), Lorenzo Forni (University of Padova), Margherita Fort (University of Bologna), Corrado Giulietti (University of Southampton), Tullio Jappelli (University of Naples “Federico II”), Raffaele Miniaci (University of Brescia), Chiara Monfardini (University of Bologna), Paolo Paruolo (European Commission Joint Research Center), Franco Peracchi (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”), Paolo Pinotti (Bocconi University), Eduardo Rossi (University of Pavia), Alessandro Sembenelli (University of Turin), Léopold Simar (Université Catholique de Louvain), Mirco Tonin (University of Bozen), Guglielmo Weber (University of Padova), Paolo Zaffaroni (Imperial College London & University of Rome “Sapienza”).
Local organizing Committee:
Camilla Mastromarco (University of Salento – Chair), Fabrizio Durante , Giada Andrea Prete and Pierluigi Toma (University of Salento)
Submission of papers:
Papers can be submitted from June 1, 2018 (with a limit of one paper per submitter) at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceee8th. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2018. The decision notification date is November 20, 2018.
One prize of Euro 1,500 will be awarded to the best conference paper written by young scientists in Macroeconometrics or Financial Econometrics (Carlo Giannini Prize, offered by SIdE). One prize of Euro 2,500 will be awarded to the best conference paper written by young scientists in Theoretical or Applied Microeconometrics (Labour Prize, offered by LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations ). For eligibility to both prizes, all authors of a paper must be no more than 4 years past the PhD defense.
Registration Fees:
** Early registration (before December 15th, extended to December 27 only for authors of accepted papers)
- PhD student: 70 EUR
- Other: 140 EUR
** Late registration: 250 EUR
The Congress will take place in the city campus of University of Salento Studium 2000, Building 6, angolo V.le San Nicola, Via di Valesio, Lecce.
Studium 2000 is located at walking distance from the old town and airport bus stop.
Travel Information
By plane:
The airport closest to the conference venue is Brindisi, at 30 minutes driving distance from Lecce; taxis and shuttles are available just outside the airport.
Taxi service from airport costs euro; 50-60. Air Shuttle: a direct transportation service (by an 8 seats vehicle) from Brindisi airport to Lecce (and vice versa). A one way ticket costs € 20. You can book in advance calling "Crusi Viaggi" (Tel: +39 0832/305522) or through the on-line booking service. The Air Shuttle bring you directly to the hotel or to the workshop venue.
SITA Airport shuttle-bus services connect the airport of Brindisi to Lecce, at the cost of € 7. Timetable available at: http://www.aeroportidipuglia.it/bus-pugliairbus-1. SITA Airport shuttle-bus arrives at ex Foro Boario, piazza Carmelo Bene, Lecce. From here to your hotel you can take the public bus or taxi: Public bus NFB line (timetable)
Taxi rides within Lecce cost € 10. For booking cabs, call: Salento Radio taxi (0039) 0832/2240
Alternatively, you may fly to Bari Palese airport and reach Lecce by train in approximately 2 hours. The train station can be reached from the airport by taxi (fixed price € 20) or shuttle. Check shuttles timetable and Trains timetable
It is also possible to take Pugliairbus shuttles to Brindisi airport, from where buses to Lecce are available.
By train:
Train trip options from any Italian city to Lecce central station are available at: http://www.trenitalia.com/ . From the station to the conference venue: public bus 27.
By car:
To reach Lecce by car from Rome follow A1 highway, direction Naples, and then follow A16 or A14, direction Bari. Meanwhile, to reach Lecce by car from Milano is follow A14 highway, direction Bari. Then to reach Lecce from Bari, for both routes, is necessary to follow main road 379, direction Lecce.
A list of hotels and B&Bs can be download from the left column of this page. Discounted prices available using the RESERVATION CODE: “ICEEE2019Lecce”.
Social program:
24 January 2019 from 6pm to 9pm Welcome Party with Wine tasting - with the best local wineries - at Monastero degli Olivetani, Viale S. Nicola, 73100 Lecce (50 mt from conference location) with guided tour to Monastero Olivetani - with documentary projection - and Church of Saints Niccolò and Cataldo.
25 January 2019 from 8.30pm Social Dinner at Torre del Parco https://www.torredelparco.com. A contribution of 40 euro is required. You can pay in advance by selecting the option "with conference dinner" in the conference registration fees payment procedure, or by cash only at the registration desk.
Weather forecast:
You can find the weather forecast here