SIdE is pleased to announce that the
2nd Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics:
“Time Series Models: Theory and Applications”
(IWEEE 2020)
University Ca’ Foscari, Venice,
23-24 January 2020
The workshop focuses on methodological advances and innovative applications of state-of-the-art econometric methods for time series; it aims at bringing together econometricians and statisticians to communicate and discuss the current developments in financial and econometric time series.
The conference organizers welcome submissions of both empirical and theoretical research.
Keynote speakers:
- Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
- Oliver Linton (University of Cambridge)
The FINAL Conference Program is now available: check the "Public attachments" section on the left column of this page.
The last presenter in the session will act as session chair
Program Committee:
Tommaso Proietti (University of Roma "Tor Vergata"), Roberto Casarin (Ca' Foscari University of Venice); Luca Fanelli (University of Bologna); Marta Banbura (European Central Bank); Paolo Santucci De Magistris (LUISS Guido Carli, Rome); Valentina Corradi (University of Surrey); Martin Wagner (TU Dortmund); Anders Rahbek (University of Copenhagen); Jean-Michel Zakoian (CREST, University of Lille); Massimo Franchi (University of Rome La Sapienza); Francesco Ravazzolo (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano); Ana Beatrix Galvao (University of Warwick); Katerina Petrova (University of St Andrews, UK); Roberto Renò (University of Verona); Anders Bredahl Kock (University of Oxford); Eric Hillebrand (Aarhus University).
Local Organizing Committee:
Monica Billio (University Ca’ Foscari, Venice), Giovanni Angelini (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Irene Mammi (Ca' Foscari University of Venice), Dario Palumbo (University of Cambridge), Francesca Volo (Ca' Foscari University of Venice).
Papers can be submitted electronically in pdf format (with a limit of one paper per submitter) to the email address: The deadline for submissions is September 30th, 2019. The decision notification date is November 10th, 2019. Speakers should register by Dicember 1st, 2019
SIdE members:
SIdE members must regularize their 2020 membership before the beginning of the conference.
- Early bird (until 10 December 2019): 120 euro(regular), 70 euro (student)
- Late (after 10 December 2019): 180 euro(all)
You can become SIdE member at
Non SIdE members:
- Early bird (until 10 December 2019): 400 euro
- Late (after 10 December 2019): 500 euro
Important dates:
Submission deadline: September 30th, 2019
Decision notification: November 10th, 2019
Deadline Authors registration: Dicember 1st, 2019
Early bird until 10 December 2019
Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
S. Giobbe 873 – 30121 Venezia
Room 4A and Room 5A Campus Economico San Giobbe
Direct access to the Campus from platform 1 Venice S. Lucia railway station (Solesin bridge)
Poster Sessions:
Posters may be prepared on one sheet or alternatively on several smaller sheets.
Poster boards are portrait style. Maximum poster dimensions: 110cm high x 80cm wide .
This is a list of Hotels in Venice comfortable and close to the venue:
- Tre Archi (fondamenta S Giobbe)
- Carnival (fondamenta S Giobbe)
- Ca' Dogaressa (fondamenta S Giobbe)
- Palazzo Cendon (fondamenta S Giobbe)
- Continental (lista di Spagna)
- Principe (lista di Spagna)
- Papadopoli (piazzale Roma)
- La Fenice Des Artistes (San Marco)
- Saturnia International (San Marco)
- Flora (San Marco)
- Ai Due Fanali (Santa Croce)
- Locanda San Barnaba (Santa Croce)
- Al Sole (San Barnaba)
Social program:
23 January 2020 from 8.30pm Social Dinner at La Porta d'acqua A contribution of 40 euro is required. You can pay in advance by selecting the option "with conference dinner" in the conference registration fees payment procedure, or by cash only at the registration desk.
Weather Forecast:
You can find the weather forecast here
You can find the tide forecast in Venice here
See you in Venice!!!!!!