SIdE is pleased to announce the
3rd Italian Workshop of Econometrics and Empirical Economics:
“High-dimensional and Multivariate Econometrics: Theory and Practice”
(IWEEE 2022)
Rimini Campus - University of Bologna
20-21 January 2022
The workshop focuses on methodological advances and innovative applications of state-of-the-art econometric methods for analyzing high- or multi-dimensional datasets; it aims at bringing together econometricians, economists and statisticians to communicate and discuss the current developments in all fields of econometrics.
The conference organizers welcome submissions of both empirical and theoretical research.
The Local Program Committee is organizing the IWEEE 2022 Workshop in hybrid mode. Online participants will receive the Zoom links for attending/presenting.
Keynote speakers:
- Serena Ng (Columbia University)
- Alexei Onatski (University of Cambridge)
Clik here for the FINAL Conference Program or download it in the" Public attachment" session in the left column of this page
Program Committee: Matteo Barigozzi (University of Bologna, chair), Majid Al-Sadoon (Durham University), Christiane Baumeister (University of Notre-Dame), Christian Brownlees (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona), Giuseppe Cavaliere (University of Bologna), Haeran Cho (University of Bristol), Laura Coroneo (University of York), Valentina Corradi (University of Surrey), Laura Liu (Indiana University), Alessandra Luati (University of Bologna), Esther Ruiz (University Carlos III, Madrid), Lorenzo Trapani (University of Nottingham), Michael Wolf (University of Zurich) , Jean-Michel Zakoian (ENSAE-CREST) .
Local Organizing Committee: Luca Fanelli, Giuseppe Cavaliere, Giovanni Angelini
Papers can be submitted electronically in pdf format (with a limit of one paper per submitter) to the email address:
The deadline for submissions is 10th October 2021.
Submissions are now closed. The decision notification date is 19th November 2021.Presenting authors are expected to register no later than 30th November 2021.
The conference might include a poster session.
SIdE members:
SIdE members must regularize their 2022 membership before the beginning of the conference. To renew SIdE membership or become SIdE member visit
- Early bird (until 30th November 2021): 120 euro (regular), 70 euro (student)
- Late (after 30th November 2021): 180 euro (all)
- On-line: 50 euro (presenting authors), free (non-presenting attendees)
Non SIdE members:
- Early bird (until 30th November, 2021): 400 euro
- Late (after 30th November 2021): 500 euro
Important dates:
- Submission deadline: 10th October 2021
- Decision notification: 17th November 2021
- Early bird registration: no later than 30th November 2021
- Presenting authors registration: no later than 30th November 2021
University of Bologna, Department of Economics, Rimini Campus
Via Carlo Cattaneo, 17, 47921 Rimini RN, Italy
Rooms 7- 8-9
The “in person” participation to the 3rd IWEEE is subject to the following main conditions: (a) a regular “Super Green Pass”, meaning an EU Digital Covid certification that you get from the competent authorities after vaccination or complete recovery, that you have to display to the registration desk and upon request by the authorized Unibo and/or SIdE personnel; (b) wearing an FFP2 mask; (c) complying with standard social distance measures that will be clearly announced and displayed.
Here is a list of recommended Hotels with the indication of walking distance from the conference venue (in general, while Hotel Card International and Hotel Duomo are the two main hotels located downtown - both extremely close to the conference venue - there's a huge offer of hotels located on the seafront at a walking distance ranging from 15 up to 35 minutes):
-Hotel Card International (3 min.) §
-Hotel Villa Rosa Riviera (20 min.)
-Hotel Sporting (20 min.)
-Hotel Ambasciatori (20 min.)
-Grand Hotel Rimini (20 min.)
-i-Suite Hotel (25 min.)
§When booking at the Hotel Card International, mention explicitly that you are attending the Conference organized by prof. Luca Fanelli, University of Bologna. Single room: 40e; Double single use: 70e; Double room: 90e; Internal parking: 15e per day; Outdoor parking: 7e per day.
Social program:
The 20th evening at 20.30 there will be the conference dinner at Quartopiano Suite Restaurant (, Via G. Cabrera 34/C). A contribution of 40 euros is required. You can pay in advance by selecting the option "with conference dinner" in the conference registration fees payment procedure, or by cash only at the registration desk.
The participation to the social dinner is subject to the following main conditions: (a) a regular “Super Green Pass”, meaning an EU Digital Covid certification that you get from the competent authorities after vaccination or complete recovery, that you have to display to the restaurant personnel in charge; (b) wearing an FFP2 mask; (c) complying with standard social distance measures.
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