Causal inference in program evaluation:
Methods and applications

Bertinoro, 21 - 26 July 2025



Alessandro Bucciol

Professor of Econometrics
University of Verona, Dept. of Economics
Via Cantarane 24
37129 Verona, Italy




The course is conditional to the recruitment of a minimum of 15 participants in presence.

The maximum number of allowed participants in presence is 30.


Working knowledge of econometrics and statistics. 


Course description

This summer school offers a selective introduction to causal inference in program evaluations, with a balanced blend of methodological foundations and applications using statistical software. The school is tailored for motivated participants with at least working knowledge of econometrics and statistics at the master's level.

The program is structured into two parallel tracks to suit diverse learning goals:

  • Part 1: “From Randomized Controlled Trials to Instrumental Variables: Modern Methods in Causal Inference” (Prof. Costa-Dias)

Topics covered: Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT); power calculations; local and marginal treatment effects; Instrumental Variables (IV) and multiple treatments; selection and control functions.

  • Part 2: Causal Inference with Difference-in-Differences: A Comprehensive Approach (Prof. Goodman-Bacon)

Topics covered: Difference-in-Differences (DiD). Basics and covariates; staggered timing; continuous treatment; parallel trends; extras and extensions.


Reading list

The reading list reflects the material that will be taught. Further material will be provided before the beginning of the course and during the lectures.

The Reading list for Part 1 and Part2 can be downloaded from the " Pubblic attachments" section on left side column of this web page. 


Schedule of the course

  • From Monday 21 July to Friday 25 July: lessons and tutorials (6 hours)
  • Saturday 26 July: participants’ presentations (4 hours)


Venue and timetables

The Module will last one week and will be held in the University Residential Centre, Via Frangipane 6, 47032 Bertinoro (FC). Participants will be hosted in the Centre guest quarters (in case of reduced availability of rooms in the Centre, they will be accommodated in local hotels).
Lectures and tutorials will be in English, with the following schedule:

  • Monday to Friday: lectures 9:00-12:00, 14:00-17:00
  • Saturday: lectures 9:00-13:00.

