The Italian Econometric Association (SIdE-IEA) and the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (Fondazione Bruno Kessler) organize the course for PhD students in:
Panel Data for Causal Research Designs
Bertinoro, 29 June – 5 July 2025
Prof. Erich Battistin
University of Maryland and FBK-IRVAPP
Maryland Population Research Center
Prof. Enrico Rettore
University of Padova and FBK-IRVAPP
Department of Economics and Management
Erich Battistin, University of Maryland
Enrico Rettore,University of Padova
Sergiu Burlacu, FBK-IRVAPP
Alessio Tomelleri, FBK-IRVAPP
The maximum number of allowed participants in presence is 30
Intermediate level of probability, statistical inference and econometrics.
Course outline:
- The pre-history of panel data models: Random Effects, Fixed Effects
- Two-way Fixed Effects: the bridge to Difference-in-Differences
- Recent advancements 1: Staggered and Block Designs
- Synthetic Control Methods
- Recent Advancements 2: Combining Difference-in-Differences designs with Synthetic Control Methods
Reference textbooks and suggested readings:
Angrist J.D. and J.-S. Pischke (2009), ‘Mostly Harmless Econometrics’, Princeton University Press
Arkhangelsky D. and G. Imbens (2024), ‘Causal Models for Longitudinal and Panel Data: A Survey’, The Econometrics Journal, 27 (3).
Other readings will be suggested during the course
Tutorials and Software
Theoretical lectures are combined with practical working sessions. During these sessions, you will receive guidance on using econometric software and conducting your own empirical analyses. Datasets and codes for applied econometrics will be provided as part of the lectures.
For the practical tutorials and applications participants will use the software Stata which will have to be installed on their own laptops .
Venue and timetables
This course requires a full-time attendance. It runs Monday to Friday, nine half-days (one afternoon is free): 10 theoretical sessions, 5 lab sessions, 3 sessions with invited speakers (including the winner of the FBK-IRVAPP prize, see below). The course will be held in the University Residential Centre, Via Frangipane 6, 47032 Bertinoro (FC).
Participants will be hosted in the Centre guest quarters, (as an exception, in case of reduced availability of rooms in the Centre, they will be accommodated in local hotels).
Lectures and tutorials will be in English, with the following schedule:
Monday to Friday 9.00-12.30, 14.30 -18.00 (with one free afternoon).
The 3rd edition of the Best Paper in Public Policy Evaluation Prize.
FBK-IRVAPP will award a prize of 1000 EUR for the best paper in Policy Evaluation. In addition to the monetary prize, the author of the winning paper will be invited to present it at this SIDE/FBK-IRVAPP school.
- For more information: Roberta Partisani phone: +39 0543446554 ; e-mail:
- For administrative issues : Fabrizio Zanotti (, phone:0543446561;
- For travel and accommodation: Roberta Partisani (, phone: +39 0543446554